beplus Pricing

Unleash the full potential of your software product vision with
Embrace a more approachable and seamless product creation journey.
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The essentials for individuals.
Limited to single user.

$47 / month

  • You can work within your own, personal Workspace.
  • You can have an unlimited number of AWS Accounts connected including the support for AWS Organizations.
  • You can have an unlimited number of Products to organize your Applications.
  • You can deploy and manage an unlimited number of Applications across multiple Products.
  • Your configuration is now versioned, includes history and rollbacks and you can schedule values change to specific Releases.
  • Core Integrations to streamline your build processes. All you need to cover the common use-cases.
  • Keep everything up-to-date with automatic Update distribution and update your code to the latest dependencies based on Update Path.
  • Get help with most of your questions and issues in our Community Forum.


Best value

Advanced features for
individuals and organizations.

$97 / user / month

  • You can organize multiple Products within a single Workspace.
  • You can have an unlimited number of AWS Accounts connected including the support for AWS Organizations.
  • You can have an unlimited number of Products to organize your Applications.
  • You can deploy and manage an unlimited number of Applications across multiple Products.
  • Your configuration is now versioned, includes history and rollbacks and you can schedule values change to specific Releases.
  • Full access to all Integrations to leverage the full power of the Build Ecosystem.
  • Keep everything up-to-date with automatic Update distribution and easily update your code to the latest dependencies with Update Helper based on Update Path.
  • Access to Support who can help you troubleshoot issues you run into while using
  • As a Pro customer, you can access REST and GraphQL APIs to manage entities and monitor activity.
  • Deploy a powerful Pro CI/CD to manage cloud resources and orchestrate deployments and updates with Pipelines.
  • Automatically create Ephemeral environments for each Pull Request to preview your changes before merging.
  • Create Preview applications in existing environments for smaller updates where you don't need a whole environment to be set up.
  • Create and manage Releases, kick-off and schedule Pipelines to orchestrate updates the right way and with confidence.
  • Create multiple instances of your Apps to easily perform A/B tests in order to make the right decisions.



SaaS features, Security & Compliance checks,
and flexible deployment.


  • Enterprise-level allows you to organize your Products according to your business(es) within unlimited Workspaces.
  • Own and control the user accounts of your enterprise members through your identity provider (IdP).
  • Automatically request approvals when changes are being made to parts of the Product that they own.
  • Protect your environments by creating Protection rules and execute the jobs only when all of them pass.
  • SaaS ready CI/CD, CDK constructs, security policies, tenant isolation strategies and tenant management.
  • Automatically track compliance status of your Products based on pre-defined rules to make sure you stay on track.
  • Easily access audit log events through the UI or APIs and monitor the activity in your organization.
  • Use an identity provider to manage the identities of users.
  • Quickly review the actions performed by members of your organization across the whole Build Ecosystem. Keep copies of audit log data and maintain compliance for your organization.
  • Manage multiple AWS Organizations + create and manage dozens of underlying accounts from a single place. Leverage the power of the Enterprise CI/CD - a Well Architected cross-account solution.
  • Exclusive Add-Ons
  • Personal assistance with onboarding and setting up your whole environment from the Engineering team.
  • Guaranteed SLA on Urgent tickets and 24/7 web support or dedicated Customer Success Manager.
  • Get access to Enterprise level of to get your whole team up-to-speed with Enterprise.
  • Get your own branded instance running in your own silo-ed environment.
  • License to use source-code for your own solution and build on top of a proven, production-ready stack.

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