beplus Agent

Feel the Extraordinary Developer Experience with beplus Agent. Configuring your Mac contextually based on what you're working on – it was never easier and more seamless.

Remotely configure the environment based on context.
Execute commands to make your work seamless and easy.
Easy remote assistance when debugging an issue locally.
beplus Agent


What problem does it solve?

You don't need to provide a list of things that needs to be done on a developer's machine before it's ready for work on a project. You don't need to send them on Slack the env variables that have to be set in their environment.

Automatic environment configuration
Seamless onboarding of new people
Extraordinary developer experience


How does it work?

Just install beplus Agent and let everything happen automatically based on the pre-defined global and specific product settings.

Contextual operation based on what you're working on
Seamlessly integrate with other beplus Tools
Helps with various tasks on your Mac


What to expect?

Extraordinary developer experience as you really don't need to care about how specifically your environment has to be configured in order for a particular product app to run.

Automatic configuration in the background
Seamless integration with other beplus Tools
Extraordinary developer experience

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