beplus Devices

From automatic provisioning profiles management through security to fully-automated remote device configuration, easily manage all of your devices across the whole Organization from a single place.

Securely manage the device and its configuration and policies.
Automatic device registration and provisioning profiles management.
Monitor the device activity together with beplus Agent and beplus CLI.
beplus Devices Management


What problem does it solve?

Stop asking your developers their iPhone UID for Provisioning Profiles. Stop guessing what's wrong with device(s) they're working on. Get complete insights about all the devices being used for development & testing of your product.

Automatic and seamless device registration
Complete insights about the devices
Create policies to enforce specific things


How does it work?

Each of beplus Tools is reporting specific information about the device. You then know the details about each device, that can e.g. help you resolve issues quicker.

What are the OS and libraries versions?
What tools are being used on the device?
What's the activity on the device?


What to expect?

Having all of it centrally available means you have an overview of what's going on – whether from the security perspective or just for knowing what works and what does not – and then helping your team members.

Overview of the devices being used in your organization
Easy and streamlined onboarding of new people
And much more ...

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