beplus Mobile

Easily register your devices, keep up-to-date with your device details and deliver test and preview apps right to your device.

Super-easy device registration.
Get notified about important updates.
Deliver links to test and preview apps right to your device.
App screenshot


What problem does it solve?

Easily register your Mobile device(s) by simply installing the App and signing in.

Easy device registration in beplus Devices.
Automatic Provisioning Profiles re-generation.
Notifications to stay on track what's happening.


How does it work?

After installing App and signing in, the App will automatically submit the device details required for development (e.g. Apple Device UID) to beplus Devices.

Overview of the devices used in your Team.
Easy management and policies enforcement.
Seamless onboarding.


What to expect?

Simplicity. That's the primary goal of the whole beplus Tools collection – and the Mobile app complements that for all mobile devices on your team.

Automatic registration of the Device with Apple Developer.
Update Google Tester groups with account email on Android.
Background refresh of iOS Provisioning Profiles.

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