beplus Buildpacks

Building and Deploying an App to your own AWS account and keeping the resources in the Cloud up-to-date was never easier. Experience the next-level of application deployment with Open Source beplus Provisioning and beplus Buildpacks.


The simplest and easiest Remix deployment to AWS. Run on server, serverless or container ... it's up to you.

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Deploy your Next.js app with all v13 features to AWS – server, serverless or container ... however you want.

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React Native, iOS or Android – deploy a full CI/CD of your mobile app to AppStores in under 5 minutes. Yes, it's possible!

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What problem does it solve?

beplus Buildpacks makes the deployment of Applications to AWS super-easy. You don't have to write a single line of code to deploy an App into your AWS account.

Forget clicking in console or writing code to deploy an App.
beplus Buildpacks will handle everything for you.
Easily switch between server, serverless or container.


How does it work?

It's very simple. beplus Buildpacks are just Docker images with some pre-configured, but customizable, tools and CDK code that will take care of your App build & deployment out-of-box.

Build & Deploy your Apps locally or in AWS.
You can keep the defaults or customize what you need.
Deploy to your AWS accounts.


What to expect?

Simply tell beplus Provisioning you want to build & deploy Mobile, Next.js, Remix or Serverless app. That's it.

beplus Configuration will help you provide Env variables.
beplus CLI will run your build & deployment.
Run locally with Docker Desktop or in the Cloud with CodeBuild.

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