beplus Configuration

Create secure configurations for your repositories, environments, applications, resources ... everything – with beplus Configuration. Create versions, local and per-user overwrites, inherit in ephemeral environments and preview apps, the possibilities are endless.
Configure everything on a single place and with beplus Tools – use everywhere.

App Settings with beplus Configuration


What problem does it solve?

Configuring your Apps & Resources securely on a single place may be challenging at times. That's not true with beplus Configuration.

Configure everything on a single place.
Reference SSM Parameters, Secrets, custom storage and more.
Use securely with beplus CLI everywhere.


How does it work?

Your configuration is stored with beplus Provisioning in your own AWS account. Each secret value is just a reference to SSM Parameter Store, Secrets Manager, 3rd party integration (e.g. 1Password), or any custom storage or function. beplus Configuration then creates final environment.

Contextual configuration (local, user, cloud, 3rd party service).
Everything is stored on a single place, securely.
You can use it anywhere with beplus CLI.


What to expect?

Stop worrying about how to pass environment variables for local development or cloud builds. Create a secure config object with beplus CLI or beplus Console and easily access the values anywhere.

Seamless configuration of your Apps & Resources.
Extraordinary developer exerience.
Security & Ownership.

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